Client Comments

“Lorin was instrumental in helping to develop and  then polish my debut novel. From larger story concepts, down to crafting  elegant prose, Lorin is a brilliant mentor. I look forward to working  with her for many projects to come.”

-- Veronica Rossi, author of UNDER THE NEVER SKY and THROUGH THE EVER NIGHT, HarperCollins

“I highly recommend Lorin's services to anyone who wants  to take his or her writing to a new level.  Lorin's expert advice and  editorial comments pushed my manuscript from good to sellable.  With her  meticulous line edits, I submitted a polished manuscript that quickly  attracted the attention of multiple agents and publishers.  The result?   A two-book deal at auction to Scholastic!”

--  Donna Cooner, author of SKINNY, Scholastic

“I thought I had done my best and did not need any professional help, but after Brenda Windberg’s structural edit on my epic I knew I had more to learn. I thought my minor characters were three-dimensional. They weren't. I thought my point of view was clear. It wasn't. I thought the pacing was crisp. It dragged. She spotted all my flaws and praised my strengths. I was so impressed I asked for a line edit. She helped me tighten my writing style, and I did not just end up with a better book, I ended up a better writer."

-- Larry C. Kay

“Brenda Windberg's editorial assistance was invaluable in the final revisions of my novel. Her thorough and insightful suggestions enabled me to bring my characters to life in a way that makes the story more compelling. Brenda knew exactly what was needed to enhance my writing and working with her was a pleasure. She is a brilliant editor."

-- Richard S. Hillman

“If you are looking for writing help, Lorin is it. She’s  got the experience, she’s got the confidence, but most of all she has the eye. She can look at your manuscript and tell you exactly what it needs.”

-- Lissa Price, debut author of STARTERS, lRandom House, Delacorte

“When I met Brenda Windberg during the [Breakout Novel Intensive],  I was so impressed with her insight and her kindness, I approached her on the spot to work with me. Brenda showed me that my "pretty good story" had the makings of something so much better. She provided me with concrete examples of where I had gone wrong, what I had done right, and how I could raise the book to its highest potential yet. She's provided valuable brainstorming where I was stuck, got me "unstuck," and challenged me when I needed a push. The future for my novel seems limitless under her expert guidance.  Insightful, kind and professional, everything I hoped for in an editor."

--  Jeanne M. Ledwell

“Immediately after signing a new contract for my Brides of Gabriel series with Harper Collins, I asked Lorin to work with me on the  manuscripts from concept to finished product. I knew my editor at Harper  would add her own editorial touches, but I wanted to take my writing to  a new level before I turned in the books. Lorin provided  everything--and more!--I'd hoped for in an editor. She cheered me on  throughout the writing process, gave me invaluable editorial direction,  brainstormed with me when I got stuck, and even exchanged edited  chapters during some all-night vigils to help me meet my publisher's  deadlines. I can't praise her services highly enough.”

-- Diane Noble, bestselling author of THE VEIL, THE SISTER WIFE, THE BETRAYAL, and others

“I met Lorin at the Breakout Novel Intensive Conference,  and after our meetings felt that she had a clear understanding of my  goals and what I wanted to convey in my novel. I worked with her to edit  the manuscript after I'd written seven drafts and she made me see it  with new eyes. All of my problem areas became clear, and I was able to  complete a final draft of the manuscript and confidently send it out to  agents. More than half of the agents who read sample chapters of the  work asked to see the full manuscript, and weeks later, I had an agent. I  have no doubt that Lorin's editorial help had a huge part in my  success.”

-- Erika Robuck, author of RECEIVE ME FALLING, HEMINGWAY’S GIRL and CALL ME ZELDA, Penguin

“I’ve had three other editors over the years. I liken  them to cars. The first was a great Ford, dependable, and could find  things that were obviously wrong with my pages. The second was a solid  SUV who gave me tips, corrected things, and could be depended upon to  make my pages look good--not great. The third was a nice Cadillac who  had many published books and who went beyond the simple editing into  insight of what the book needed, and why, and where. But Lorin is the  Ferrari: she leaves them all in the dust.”

-- Christine Cook, represented by Spectrum Literary Agency

“Lorin Oberweger is hands-down the best friend any writer can have!  She balances critique with encouragement, and she never lets  the writer settle for less than his true potential.  I've come to see  Lorin as more than an editor.  She's a mentor who works beyond the scope  of her projects--someone who's always there with a sympathetic ear or a  gentle push.  She's dedicated and passionate, and she guides her  clients through their writing journey without holding their hand.  Her  guidance not only saved my work but turned it into something special.”

-- Keith Yatsuhashi, author KOJIKI and KOKORO, Angry Robot

“If you're looking for sage advice and expertise to  elevate your writing to the publishable level, Lorin can help you  achieve this goal. From her ability to see the 'big picture' of your  over-arching narrative, to her eye for details like character  development and dialogue, you can trust Lorin to help you polish your  pages until they shine.”

-- Luanne Brown

“Lorin has all the editorial equipment, knowledge,  intellect and skills requisite for manuscript editing, but she offers  more than these fundamentals.  Lorin understands the creative process,  how things fit together, and what takes competence into the realm of  art.  When I came to Lorin with my manuscript, I knew something was  askew, inoperative--ick, ineffective.  When she finished up her  critique, I not only knew what was amiss but had gained a strategy for  improvement.  Bring your manuscript to Lorin and come away with a  story.” 

-- David Sunstrand, author of SHADOW OF THE RAVEN and SHADOWS OF DEATH

“From strengthening stories, to waking up sentences, to  livening word choice, Lorin can do it all. She's made all of my stories  better and--from what I've learned from her--all of my future stories  too."

-- Adam Dunsby

“Lorin has wicked story smarts, a kindhearted approach,  and the optimism + savvy you need to provide breakthroughs in your  writing and career. I've personally worked with her, brought her in as a  guest workshop speaker, and invited her to Pitch University as an  Expert-in-Residence, because with someone like her, you just feel  compelled to sing her praises and make sure you share her with the  world. Lorin rocks.”

-- Diane Holmes, founder and Chief Alchemist at Pitch University.

“Other writers have mentioned Lorin's tremendous skills  as an editor and teacher, her fantastic skills in story development.  I  want to say something equally important to many of us, those of us who  came quietly and shyly, nervously crept forward into this intimidating,  talent packed field.  Lorin has a huge and gentle heart."

-- Siobhan McCulloch-Orr

“Lorin is a wonderful cheerleader and a sympathetic coach  with an amazing ability to see the possibilities in your writing and  help you tell the story you want to tell. I highly recommend  her services, as well as the Donald Maass Breakout Novel Intensives that  she so ably puts together.”

-- Claudine Rogers

“Whether you need a shoulder for support, a cheerleader  to urge you on, or an eagle-eye to spot areas in your story that need  improvement, Lorin provides it all with a gentle hand and warm heart.

She offered me encouragement when I felt discouraged, helped pin down  questions I needed to address, showed me areas to consolidate and  others to build out.

Lorin is a brilliant woman with a rare talent, and those of us  fortunate enough to have hired her have left richer for counting her as a  friend.”

-- Nancy Laughlin

“My training was in smoky, loud newsrooms with anxious  editors ready to jerk the paper out of the typewriter.  Lorin is the  opposite.  Nothing takes the place of her one-on-ones.  You come away  with guidance, confidence, kind words (but to the point), encouragement.   A degree program may give you some of those and take an extreme bite  out of your pocketbook.  She makes my writing soar.  And, to boot, she  organizes the Breakout Novel Intensives where serious writers and published authors hone craft.   If you want to improve, Lorin's expertise and BONI are must-have  experiences."

-- Robin Yaklin