Story Mastermind

One-on-one. Just you, me, and your story.

 Do you have an awesome novel premise but don’t know where to take it?

Are you stuck in the “mushy middle” of your work and running out of steam?

Are you well into a draft but concerned the novel’s not all it could be?

Do you feel blocked and uninspired, in need of a creative boost and a road map to completion?

Do you wish you could receive smart, thoughtful guidance from a seasoned story pro, someone to help you avoid common story pitfalls and set you up for potential breakout success?

If you answered yes to any of the above then a Story Mastermind session might be for you.

Together, we’ll sit down—just you, me, and your story—and we’ll work to make your novel as deep, complex, and potent a work of fiction as it has the potential to be. We’ll add layers, deepen character motivations, raise public and private stakes, and help you get a handle on any areas of weakness that may be holding you back.

Every story development session is custom-made for you, based on conversations about your goals and an assessment of your story’s strengths and weaknesses. It doesn’t matter if we start with ideas scribbled on a cocktail napkin or a novel in its fourth of fifth draft. As long as you’re willing to dig deep and push yourself as a writer, this offering is right for you.

Write to to schedule your Story Mastermind session. 


  • I’ll skip to the bottom line first: Lorin‘s story development weekend proved to be THE BEST thing I’ve ever done for my writing. Talk about a champion! Lorin met me “brimming with ideas” on that first day. But not ideas that would reflect what Lorin would do if this were HER novel. No, these were carefully thought out suggestions to honor the story I was trying to tell. Over the course of the weekend, Lorin and I actually plotted out a new approach to the story. I came away with a new plan and new energy to put my butt in the chair and tell the story I felt chosen to tell. I have a second bottom line: Lorin has a client for life.

    Brenda McClain, ONE GOOD MAMA BONE

  • Lorin is absolutely brilliant! I would not have thought it possible over the course of a couple days for anyone to come in and help me corral the misshapen mess I had gotten myself into with my novel in progress. But Lorin not only helped me do just that, she also got me excited and pumped up about it, too. We got so much done on character development, strengthening themes and subplots, as well as the main plot, developing pay-offs and much more. I walked away from that weekend positively stoked, armed with refreshed ideas, a to do list of scenes and edits, and a time frame in which to accomplish certain things. You’ll find her an enthusiastic partner and true believer in your project, willing and able to offer loads of fresh ideas, insights, and encouragement along the way.

    Sammie Soutar

  • When I signed up to have a One-on-One weekend with Lorin, I had no idea that what she offered was so much more than manuscript revision. She knew my story, my characters, and the heart of my story with such clarity and depth that as we uncovered what was lacking I trusted her guidance. And isn't that what we, as writers seek? With Lorin's intellect, love of story, and professional integrity, run don't walk to sign up. What she will teach you will go with you beyond your current manuscript; you will become a better writer, no doubt about it!

    Jo Cooper

How does it work?

Three options: You come to me, I come to you, or we meet on Zoom.

In any case, we’ll talk ahead of time, and I’ll read portions of your work (if available) in order to come up with the best plan and tools to fit your specific situation. You can expect probing and supportive conversation, light or intense plot outlining depending on your specific work style, creation of milepost scenes to help give you a clear path to success, and much more.

I promise the strides you can make in just a day or two will astonish you and do wonders for your novel and your understanding of fiction craft.

What does it cost?


Saturday and Sunday (or any two weekdays), reading prep time for up to fifty pages of material, eight hours of dedicated work time, plus hotel and lunch or dinner each day: $2375.

If you’d like to arrange for your own meals and accommodations, work will be priced at $250/hour.

ADD A DAY: Four hours: $975.00

ADD A FRIEND: $1250 each. No more than three participants, total.

Want a few more hours to enjoy the area, relax in the hotel, or, best of all, WRITE? Just let me know, and I’ll adjust the schedule accordingly.



Want the same intensive story development workshop without the travel?  With sufficient advance notice, I’ll come to you.

$2975 includes reading prep time for up to fifty pages of material, eight hours of dedicated work time, plus my travel, meals, and lodging.

ADD A DAY: four hours: $975.00

ADD A FRIEND: $1250 each. No more than three participants, total.

As always, we’re adaptable to your needs. Call or write, and we’ll come up with a comprehensive, personalized plan for you.


Phone or ZOOM-based Story Development Session

Need just a few hours of brainstorming time, or want to work by phone or Zoom? I'm happy to accommodate you.

Reading/prep-time: $100/hour

Brainstorming/consulting: $250 hour

Write to to schedule your Dedicated Story Development Session.