These are optional add-on consultations with the agent of your choice, who’ll offer written and/or verbal feedback on 1,500 words of your work-in-progress plus a one-page (300-word max) query letter.
Please sign up for just ONE meeting. Additional one-on-one opportunities may become available closer to the event.
In keeping with the guidelines established by the American Association of Literary Agents, it’s important to note that these are meant to be valuable—and fully optional—educational/feedback opportunities for writers and in no way imply a promise of representation. As such, you might find great value in chatting with an agent even if they’re technically closed to submissions or work with other genres.
Free Expressions’ proceeds from these appointments will go to benefit two wonderful literary organizations: KITCHEN TABLE LITERARY ARTS and BESS THE BOOK BUS. Click on the links to check out their amazing work!
If you are participating in just the one-day masterclass with Donald Maass, you’re welcome to sign up for a virtual appointment. Unfortunately, on-site appointment times will not be available on Friday.
Conference participation must be paid in full before registering for add-on agent consultation(s).
Agents who are participating virtually will get in touch with you directly to arrange meeting day and time, generally to be held within a week or two before or after the conference weekend.
Remember, all participating agents are there to help you create your best work! Treat them like mentors and bring questions about your work, the industry, and issues of craft. Make the most of your time by preparing and coming to learn.
Folks who’ll be onsite:
Donald Maass • Sarah Fisk • Saritza Hernandez
Folks offering virtual meetings:
Josh Adams • Tracey Adams • Beth Marshea
Jennifer Jackson • Jennie Dunham • Anjanette Barr
Lee Melillo • Cora Markowitz • Michaela Whatnall • Michael Curry
(See bios below.)
Onsite Meetings:
Virtual Meetings: