Services & Pricing

The following rates refer to manuscripts that are double-spaced, with 1—1.25" margins all around in twelve-point serif type. As a general rule, a typical manuscript has approximately 250 words per page.

Please do not use Times New Roman. Palatino,  Bookman, Georgia, New Century or other similar font is preferred.

Work is generally scheduled at least a couple of months in advance,  so please contact us by phone or email to discuss submitting your work so we can add you to our queue.



This is the most thorough and intensive approach to the editing of your work, breaking down the process into two separate stages: a thorough developmental edit followed by a separate (and equally thorough) line-edit.

This option includes:

Part One:

  • A comprehensive review of the manuscript for all issues of story and character development, etc.

  • A twenty to twenty-five-page single-spaced report covering those issues in great detail, including comments regarding individual chapters and pages.

  • Half-hour follow up phone call or Zoom chat as desired. Further consultation at discounted rate of $150/hour.

Part Two:

  • Once the novel has been reworked according to our findings in part one, we offer complete line-editing of the manuscript in its entirety, with comments made using the Track Changes feature in MS Word. This is much more detailed than a typical line-edit and will still address developmental concerns as well as stylistic ones.

  • Review of synopsis/query letter.

  • 10% discount off further work.

Price: $3,875 for novels up to 400 pages (or 100K words). $9 per each additional page (of 250 words each).

Note: This is typically broken into two payments of $1975 and $1900, paid with each part undertaken.

Also note: signing up for one part of the package does not obligate you to complete the other. You can choose JUST a detailed line edit or a thorough evaluation, if that better serves your needs.


This is a consolidated version of the above, which includes:

  • A ten–fifteen page report on all aspects of the manuscript.

  • Thorough line–editing and in–text commentary on the entire MS.

  • Review of synopsis/letter to agents.

  • 10% discount off further work.

Price: $2,975 up to 400 pages (or 100K words). $9 per each additional page (of 250 words each).



An evaluation of the first one-hundred pages of an author's work. This plan includes:

  • Five–seven page manuscript evaluation.

  • Thorough line–editing and in–text commentary of first fifty pages with lighter commentary within the remainder.

  • Review of synopsis/letter to agents.

  • 10% discount off further services.

Price: $1075 for manuscripts up to one-hundred pages (no more than 25K words). $9 per each additional page.


Want to make sure you’re putting your best foot forward? For those who’d like a detailed review of—and feedback on—their submission package before sending it to agents or editors, this plan covers:

  • Comments on a one-page query letter, up to 350 words.

  • Comments on a synopsis of up to 1,000 words.

  • Line-edits and a brief report on the first twenty pages (up to 5,000 words) of your novel or work of narrative nonfiction.

  • Follow-up review of revised submissions package.

Price: $425

This package may also be helpful for folks who have received rejection letters or non-responses from agents and want to understand why.


This per-page package is ideal for those with short stories, partial manuscripts, nonfiction articles, material intended for agents and/or editors, or those simply wishing to sample our services.

Per-Page Pricing includes:

  • Line-editing of all materials.

  • Manuscript evaluation.

Price: $10.00 per page of novel material; $30 per page of marketing/promotional material (synopses, queries, etc). $400 minimum.


This is a comprehensive critique with line notes for a picture book manuscript—fiction or nonfiction—of 1000 words or less. An additional fee of $10.00 is charged for every page (or portion of a page) exceeding 1000 words. If back matter in a nonfiction picture book causes the manuscript to exceed 1000 words, the author may choose to have the back matter critiqued for the additional fee mentioned above or opt to not have the back matter critiqued.


Follow-up critiques after revision are available at a reduced rate. Please ask for details.

For more information, contact Lorin Oberweger: or call 813-391-8980