Recording: Death to the Snoozer - Crafting Compelling Plots with Henry Neff
A compelling plot is essential to commercial fiction. It propels the narrative, sets the pace, and provides opportunities for characters to grow as they strive to achieve something meaningful. No one wants to write, much less read, an incoherent mess or yawn-inducing bore. This workshop will help you avoid these fatal flaws by charting a story path that not only sparks a reader’s interest but builds it by utilizing worthy stakes, sound structure, lively pacing, shocking twists, and satisfying payoffs. No more messes, no more snores — just engaged readers asking that most gratifying question: “What happens next?”
A compelling plot is essential to commercial fiction. It propels the narrative, sets the pace, and provides opportunities for characters to grow as they strive to achieve something meaningful. No one wants to write, much less read, an incoherent mess or yawn-inducing bore. This workshop will help you avoid these fatal flaws by charting a story path that not only sparks a reader’s interest but builds it by utilizing worthy stakes, sound structure, lively pacing, shocking twists, and satisfying payoffs. No more messes, no more snores — just engaged readers asking that most gratifying question: “What happens next?”
A compelling plot is essential to commercial fiction. It propels the narrative, sets the pace, and provides opportunities for characters to grow as they strive to achieve something meaningful. No one wants to write, much less read, an incoherent mess or yawn-inducing bore. This workshop will help you avoid these fatal flaws by charting a story path that not only sparks a reader’s interest but builds it by utilizing worthy stakes, sound structure, lively pacing, shocking twists, and satisfying payoffs. No more messes, no more snores — just engaged readers asking that most gratifying question: “What happens next?”